Quick tip: Named Terminals in emacs
I’m using the very convenient vterm package to open a terminal in emacs. Now, as with tabs in your browser, you tend to accumulate terminals over time, and you end up with:
And as you can see, it’s even worse than with browser tabs, because you don’t have a natural “title” for terminals. You could use the current working directory, but that usually isn’t enough.
So to organize things nicely, you can rename the vterm buffer using M-x rename-buffer
, and that’s what I did up until today.
Today I wrote the following interactive function:
(defun pmi/named-term (term-name)
"Generate a terminal with buffer name TERM-NAME."
(interactive "sTerminal purpose: ")
(vterm (concat "term-" term-name)))
As the documentation for the function states, this creates a terminal and assigns a buffer name that you need to enter first. I want the name to start with term-
so I can easily find terminals in my buffer search. YMMV.
I mapped this in exwm via…
(exwm-input-set-key (kbd "s-<return>") 'pmi/named-term)
And now I get asked for the purpose of each terminal before it’s created.